Flight Engine Data uP
The Flight Engine Data μP (FED-μP) takes data from a GRT Avionics EIS engine monitoring computer, multiplexes in GPS data and possibly some other information, and sends it to a ground monitoring station via an AeroComm AC4490-1000M-01 900Mhz 1W spread-spectrum radio. The ground monitor station also has an AeroComm radio, which is connected via a serial port to a Linux box running an ncurses based application to display and log the engine performance.
- Receive data from engine computer (9600 baud, sent continuously)
- Receive data from GPS (4800 baud, NMEA), convert to a short format
- Create record with engine data, GPS data whenever complete engine record arrives, or timeout indicator
- Send data out serial port at 57600 to AeroComm radio
- If MMC card present w/ good file system, write to log file
DB-9 male connectors are used so that the DB-9's on the cables don't have exposed pins that can possible be shorted.
- Unit should be able to determine length of engine data record, based on flag bytes. Since the unit doesn't interpret the engine data onboard, it shouldn't care if it's the documented format or the extended format.
- GPS data will be compressed. Minimum fields are date, time, latitude, longitude, heading, speed, altitude, PDOP, HDOP, VDOP, GDOP (if available), and fix quality.
- GPS data may include visible satellites and RSSI.
- Protocol will have provisions to multiplex in data from the spare serial port.
- Need to determine if engine data is updated once a second, or continuously. Timeouts need to be established to determine loss of data.
- If an RTC is supported, the RTC will be in GMT, and automatically updated when a valid GPS fix is received.
- Log files will be named 'logfile.NNN', where NNN is a three digit incrementing number. FATFS does not support long file names.
- Log files are date/time stamped as a matter of course.
- If the GPS has not acquired but engine data is arriving, the current system date and time will be used in lieu of the GPS time.
- If the system clock has not been set by GPS acquistion, or has drifted, oh well...
- May want to consider adding the RSSI and other data from the airborne radio for transmission to ground, to determine if link quality is symmetrical.
Open Issues
- Need to select a case
- How much space do we have?
- What mounting options?
- If the checksum on an engine data record fails, what to do?
- At the very least, a log file will be written on the MMC to indicate engine data record errors. This is done because the ground station may not be able to determine whether errors are occurring before or during transmission.
- If the length is correct (which we cannot know until the start of the next record), we could send the bad record down to the ground station.
- If a engine data record is errored, the record could be discarded and an error indicator sent.
- This issue may be best left open until we fly the system and determine what sort of error rate on the engine data is occurring.
- Engine data record errors are unrelated to radio transmission errors.
- Need to determine reliability of RF link in flight.
- Need to determine what transmitting radio does if it can't send.
- How soon is data discarded if it can't be sent?
- In modem mode, is a control line asserted on error?
- If data can't be sent, there's no point in buffering it to resend since only current data is important to the ground station. Older data will be on the MMC card as a log file for post flight analysis.
Aerocomm Notes
For the Areocomm CL4490-1000s, EEPROM byte 0xc6 byte needs to be changed from 0xf8 to 0x79 on the ground radio. This enables the extended RX API.
Connections To Device
- DB-9 male, console & maybe power
- DB-9 male, for engine computer connection
- DB-9 male, on same port as radio (jumper selectable)
- DB-9 male, on same port as GPS (jumper selectable)
- SMA connector, GPS antenna
- SMA connector, AeroComm radio antenna
- Power connector (if not on console DB-9)
- Bi-color LED #1 (green=OK w/ EIS, yellow=EIS data error in last 60 seconds, red=no EIS data)
- Bi-color LED #2 (green=OK w/ GPS acquire, yellow=OK w/o GPS acquire, red=GPS not sending)
- Bi-color LED #3 (greek=OK w/ RF link, yellow=RF data error in last 60 seconds, red=no RF link)
- Bi-color LED #4 (green=OK w/ MMC card, yellow=MMC card present & write protected, red=MMC card not detected)
- Switch to select between air/ground operation mode
Major Parts
- NXP LPC2468 processor
- ET-312 SiRF III GPS receiver [1]
- MMC/SD card connector (not exposed)
- USB connector (not exposed)
- AT24C1024 64Kx8 NVRAM
- LM5576 switching regulator (6-70V in, 3.3V @ 3A out)
- Temperature sensor (optional, might be I2C)
- Lithium coin cell for real time clock
- Power connectors (PCB, wire, pins)
Enclosure Options
- PCEngines box
- XTech RS-5020, exploded view, seller of XTechs -- 127mm x 151mm PCB, 124mm x 151mm keepout
- Teko Enclosures TEKAM 32-E.9 -- 101mm x 115mm PCB, 97mm x 115mm keepout
Display Parameters
- Engine Parameters
- Fuel.FL
- Fuel.P
- Oil.T
- Oil.P
- Critical Temps
- EGT1
- EGT2
- EGT3
- EGT4
- EGT5
- EGT6
- CHT1
- CHT2
- CHT3
- CHT4
- CHT5
- CHT6
- Other temperatures
- Inlet.T
- Fuel info
- Fuel.L
- Fuel.R
- Fuel.T (might not be needed, if it's just the math of L + R)
- Other info
- Volts
- Speeds/Times
- GPS.SP (averaged over some narrow window)
- Lap.1 (these would be in format of SSSS / XX:XX:XX for average lap speed based upon lap time)
- Lap.2
- Lap.3
- Lap.4
- Lap.5
- Lap.6
- Lap.7
- Lap.8
- Lap.9
- Lap.10
- System Information
- Packet count
- Error count
- Date/Time
EIS Record Format
Note: All U16 values are stored in big-endian order (high byte first)
Byte Offset | Format | Resolution | EIS Function | N48LH Function | N23LF Function | Comments |
0 | U8 | n/a | Sigil | Sigil | Sigil | First start of record sigil |
1 | U8 | n/a | Sigil | Sigil | Sigil | Second start of record sigil |
2 | U8 | n/a | Sigil | Sigil | Sigil | Third start of record sigil |
3 | U16 | 1 RPM | Tach | Tach | Tach | Tachometer |
5 | U16 | 1 degree | CHT #1 | CHT #1 | CHT #1 | Cylinder head temperature in Fahrenheit |
7 | U16 | 1 degree | CHT #2 | CHT #2 | CHT #2 | Cylinder head temperature in Fahrenheit |
9 | U16 | 1 degree | CHT #3 | CHT #3 | CHT #3 | Cylinder head temperature in Fahrenheit |
11 | U16 | 1 degree | CHT #4 | CHT #4 | CHT #4 | Cylinder head temperature in Fahrenheit |
13 | U16 | 1 degree | CHT #5 | (n/p) | CHT #5 | Cylinder head temperature in Fahrenheit |
15 | U16 | 1 degree | CHT #6 | (n/p) | CHT #6 | Cylinder head temperature in Fahrenheit |
17 | U16 | 1 degree | EGT #1 | EGT #1 | EGT #1 | Exhaust gas temperature in Fahrenheit |
19 | U16 | 1 degree | EGT #2 | EGT #2 | EGT #2 | Exhaust gas temperature in Fahrenheit |
21 | U16 | 1 degree | EGT #3 | EGT #3 | EGT #3 | Exhaust gas temperature in Fahrenheit |
23 | U16 | 1 degree | EGT #4 | EGT #4 | EGT #4 | Exhaust gas temperature in Fahrenheit |
25 | U16 | 1 degree | EGT #5 | (n/p) | EGT #5 | Exhaust gas temperature in Fahrenheit |
27 | U16 | 1 degree | EGT #6 | (n/p) | EGT #6 | Exhaust gas temperature in Fahrenheit |
29 | U16 | 1 degree | Aux #5 | TIT | TIT Left | Turbo inlet temperature |
31 | U16 | 1 degree | Aux #6 | (n/p) | TIT Right | Turbo inlet temperature |
33 | U16 | ? | Airspeed | Airspeed | Airspeed | Displayed in same units as displayed on EFIS |
35 | U16 | 10 feet | Altitude | Altitude | Altitude | Altitude from blind encoder, in 10's of feet |
37 | U16 | .1 V | Volts | Volts | Volts | Avionics bus voltage |
39 | U16 | .1 GPH | Fuel Flow | Fuel Flow | Fuel Flow | Fuel flow in gallons per hour |
41 | N8 | 1 degree | Unit Temperature | Unit Temperature | Unit Temperature | Internal temperature of EIS unit in Fahrenheit |
42 | N8 | 1 degree | Carb Temperature | (n/p) | Inlet Temp | Carb temperature |
43 | N8 | 100 FPM | Vertical Speed | Vertical Speed | Vertical Speed | Vertical speed in 100's of FPM |
44 | N8 | 1 degree | OAT | OAT | OAT | Outside air temperature in Fahrenheit |
45 | U16 | 1 degree | Oil Temperature | Oil Temperature | Oil Temperature | Oil temperature in Fahrenheit |
47 | U8 | 1 lb | Oil Pressure | Oil Pressure | Oil Pressure | Oil pressure in PSI |
48 | U16 | .1 Hg | Aux #1 | MAP | MAP | Manifold Absolute Pressure in inches of mercury |
50 | U16 | ? | Aux #2 | Fuel Level Left | Fuel Level Left | Fuel level left (see calibration table) |
52 | U16 | ? | Aux #3 | Fuel Level Right | Fuel Level Right | Fuel level right (see calibration table) |
54 | U16 | 1 lb | Aux #4 | Fuel Pressure | Fuel Pressure | Fuel pressure in PSI |
56 | U16 | 1 degree | Coolant Temp | (n/p) | (n/p) | Coolant temperature in Fahrenheit |
58 | U16 | .1 hours | Hour Meter | Hour Meter | Hour Meter | Engine hour meter in 0.1 hour resolution |
60 | U16 | .1 gallons | Fuel Totalizer | Fuel Totalizer | Fuel Totalizer | Fuel totalizer |
62 | U8 | 1 hour | Flight Timer | Flight Timer | Flight Timer | Flight timer, hours portion of HH:MM:SS |
63 | U8 | 1 minute | Flight Timer | Flight Timer | Flight Timer | Flight timer, minutes portion of HH:MM:SS |
64 | U8 | 1 second | Flight Timer | Flight Timer | Flight Timer | Flight timer, seconds portion of HH:MM:SS |
65 | U8 | 1 hour | Bingo Fuel Hours | Bingo Fuel Hours | Bingo Fuel Hours | Bingo Fuel, hours portion of HH:MM |
66 | U8 | 1 minute | Bingo Fuel Minutes | Bingo Fuel Minutes | Bingo Fuel Minutes | Bingo Fuel, minutes portion of HH:MM |
67 | U16 | .01 Hg | Barometer Setting | Barometer Setting | Barometer Setting | Barometer setting in inches of mercury |
69 | U16 | 1 RPM | Tach #2 | (n/p) | (n/p) | Tach #2 (for twin engine?) |
71 | U8 | ? | Reserved | Reserved | Reserved | EIS reserved byte |
72 | U8 | n/a | Checksum | Checksum | Checksum | 2's complement checksum over offsets 3..71 |
N48LH Fuel Tank Calibrations
Left Tank | Right Tank | ||
Volume | Sensor | Volume | Sensor |
0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
3.2 | 17.0 | 3.2 | 13.0 |
6.4 | 27.0 | 6.4 | 22.0 |
9.6 | 38.0 | 9.6 | 29.0 |
12.8 | 51.0 | 12.8 | 42.0 |
16.0 | 61.0 | 16.0 | 52.0 |
19.2 | 73.0 | 19.2 | 61.0 |
22.4 | 85.0 | 22.4 | 72.0 |
25.6 | 96.0 | 25.6 | 84.0 |
28.8 | 106.0 | 28.8 | 94.0 |
32.0 | 118.0 | 32.0 | 109.0 |
N48LH Limits
Temperature Limits | ||||||
Type | Cold | Normal Min | Normal Max | Caution Min | Caution Max | Danger |
CHT | <= 219 | 220 | 399 | 400 | 459 | >= 460 |
EGT | <= 899 | 900 | 1499 | 1500 | 1649 | >= 1650 |
TIT | <= 899 | 900 | 1549 | 1550 | 1649 | >= 1650 |
RPM Limits | ||||
Normal Min | Normal Max | Caution Min | Caution Max | Danger |
0 | 2649 | 2650 | 2699 | >= 2700 |
MAP Limits | ||||
Normal Min | Normal Max | Caution Min | Caution Max | Danger |
0 | 29 | 30 | 31 | >= 32 |
N23LF Limits
Temperature Limits | ||||||
Type | Cold | Normal Min | Normal Max | Caution Min | Caution Max | Danger |
CHT | <= 219 | 220 | 399 | 400 | 459 | >= 460 |
EGT | <= 899 | 900 | 1499 | 1500 | 1649 | >= 1650 |
TIT | <= 899 | 900 | 1549 | 1550 | 1649 | >= 1650 |
RPM Limits | ||||
Normal Min | Normal Max | Caution Min | Caution Max | Danger |
0 | 2899 | 2900 | 2999 | >= 3000 |
MAP Limits | ||||
Normal Min | Normal Max | Caution Min | Caution Max | Danger |
0 | 59 | 60 | 61 | >= 62 |
Packet Protocol (Provisional)
A packet received by the ground station computer is comprised of the AeroComm header and a User Data Payload (UDP). A UDP is comprised of 1 or more Length-Type-Data (LTD) records. Although the data portion of the AeroComm packet can be up to 128 bytes, the total UDR length should be no more than the RF packet size (possibly less the header. Ask AeroComm).
This is done so that if we lose packets, we don't lose sync across our data. The only data of ours that we lose will be the data in the lost packet.
The AeroComm has two parameters that control packet transmission. One is the total packet size; Once that number of bytes have been received from the host, the packet is sent. The other is the packet timeout value; If one or more bytes have been received, followed by no bytes being received before the timeout value, the packet will be automatically sent. It is our goal to get a complete packet into the radio in one shot, and the entire contents sent. This reduces traffic on the RF link and also aids recovery in the event of a missed packet.
A delay should be enforced between packets to make sure that the packet buffer has been flushed. The goal is to make sure that packet fragmentation does not occur.
- AeroComm header
- 0x81 - Sigil
- 0xnn - Length, 0x01-0x80
- 0xrr - Reserved
- 0xRR - RSSI
- 0xm2 - MAC 2
- 0xm1 - MAC 1
- 0xm0 - MAC 0
Length byte is length of data area that follows MAC 0
- User Data Payload (UDP)
- 0xaa - Sigil
- 0xll - Packet length (covers length through packet checksum)
- 0xpp - Packet Sequence Number (PSN)
- <LTD>
- [...<LTD>]
- 0xnn - Packet checksum - Does not include AeroComm header or sigil, does include user length, PSN and all LTDs
A minimum packet length would be 3, with the length byte being a value of 3 (1 for the length byte, 1 for the PSN, and 1 for the type). It is not mandatory that an LTD be present, but it's pretty meaningless not to have one.
Any time the value 0xaa is encountered, the UDP state machine is reset to looking for the packet length. If an 0xaa is present as data, it must be escaped. The value 0x10 (DLE) is used as the escape character. 0xaa is substituted by 0x10 0xa0. An 0x10 is substituted as 0x10 0x0a. If an 0x10 is followed by anything except 0xa0 or 0x0a, the state machine is reset to looking for the 0xaa sigil. The length byte covers the length of the packet BEFORE escaping. The checksum covers the checksummed region BEFORE escaping.
- Length-Type-Data (LTD)
- Length - Number of bytes in this section of the packet. Length includes length byte (U8), type (U8) and data.
- Type
- 0x00 - Engine data (ATG)
- 0x01 - GPS data (ATG)
- 0x02 - System data (ATG)
- 0x03 - ATG RSSI (ATG)
- 0x04 - Date/Time (ATG)
- 0x40 - Request ATG RSSI (GTA)
- 0x41 - Request Date/Time (GTA)
- Data - Data section of packet
A minimum packet length would be 2, with the length byte being a value of 2 (1 for the length byte, 1 for the type). It is not mandatory that the data section be present. An example of this would be either command 0x40 or 0x41, which are a command with no parameters.
- Type 0x00 Record (engine data)
- (See source code)
- Type 0x01 Record (GPS data)
- (See source code)
- Type 0x02 Record (system data)
- (not yet defined)
- Type 0x03 Record (airborne RSSI)
- 0xRR - RSSI
- 0xt3 - Epoch seconds time LL
- 0xt2 - Epoch seconds time LH
- 0xt1 - Epoch seconds time HL
- 0xt0 - Epoch seconds time HH
- Type 0x40 Record (send RSSI)
- (no data, type byte only)
Although the data link is primarily air to ground (ATG), some provision (is|should be) made to allow commands to be sent ground to air (GTA). At this time, the nature of the GTA commands is undefined, although one possibility is to request the RSSI value of the airborne receiver.
The basic receive algorithm is to hunt for an 0x81, indicating the start of the AreoComm packet. A 3 milliseconds timer will be started (maximum packet size is 1+1+1+1+3+128 bytes, less the already received 0x81. At 57600 baud, all 134 bytes should be received within 2.33 milliseconds). If the complete packet is received before the timer expires, the timer is stopped. If the timer expires, the bad packet count is incremented, and the state machine resumes hunting for an 0x81. Any time an error condition in the packet parsing occurs, the state machine resumes hunting for an 0x81.
Note that all received bytes are saved in a buffer until a complete valid packet has been received. Should the state machine be reset, it will resume hunting from the byte after the last 0x81 was found. This accounts for the case when multiple 0x81's are back to back.
A basic sanity check can be done when the second byte is received. A value of 0x00 or a value greater than 0x80 is illegal, and resets the state machine. Optionally at the 5th, 6th and 7th byte, the MAC address can be compared against the known address of the airborne radio. A failure to match resets the state machine.
The UDP has stronger checking designed into it. The UDP length byte must equal the AeroComm length byte, minus the AeroComm overhead (6 bytes? Check this). If not, the state machine is reset. If these match, then the number of bytes specified by the length are collected, and a checksum is calculated (remember to include the length byte the starting value of the checksum). The calculated checksum should be 0xff for a valid packet. If the packet is valid, then it can be handed off to the packet command parser.
In theory, the design of the packet structure and state machine should allow maximum possible error recovery. Although no transmit packet should be fragmented, the receiver makes provisions for handling it.
- Things to think about
- If we get a receive timeout, do we reparse the old data when the new data arrives?
- If we do, can we get stuck in a loop?
- Reparsing the timed out data means that a fragment may be recovered, as new data arrives to fill the buffer.
- If packet is truly short, we'll know when it's reprocessed and the state machine resets
- If we get a receive timeout, do we reparse the old data when the new data arrives?
Processor Port Pin Assignments
UART 0 (Console) | |
Function/Alt-1/Alt-2/Alt-3 | Pin |
P0.2/TXD0 | 202 |
P0.3/RXD0 | 204 |
UART 1 (EIS) | |
Function/Alt-1/Alt-2/Alt-3 | Pin |
P0.15/TXD1/SCK0/SCK | 128 |
P0.16/RXD1/SSEL0/SSEL | 130 |
P2.0/PWM1.1/TXD1/TRACECLK | 154 |
P2.1/PWM1.2/RXD1/PIPESTAT0 | 152 |
P3.16/D16/PWM0.1/TXD1 | 137 |
P3.17/D17/PWM0.2/RXD1 | 143 |
UART 2 (GPS) | |
Function/Alt-1/Alt-2/Alt-3 | Pin |
P0.10/TXD2/SDA2/MAT3.0 | 98 |
P0.11/RXD2/SCL2/MAT3.1 | 100 |
P2.8/TD2/TXD2/TRACEPKT3 | 134 |
P4.22/A22/TXD2/MISO1 | 123 |
P4.23/A23/RXD2/MOSI1 | 129 |
UART 3 (Radio) | |
Function/Alt-1/Alt-2/Alt-3 | Pin |
P0.0/RD1/TXD3/SDA1 | 94 |
P0.1/TD1/RXD3/SCL1 | 96 |
P0.25/AD0.2/I2SRX_SDA/TXD3 | 14 |
P0.26/AD0.3/AOUT/RXD3 | 12 |
P4.28/BLS2/MAT2.0/TXD3 | 170 |
P4.29/BLS3/MAT2.1/RXD3 | 176 |
SD/MMC | |
Function/Alt-1/Alt-2/Alt-3 | Pin |
P0.19/DSR1/MCICLK/SDA1 | 122 |
P1.2/ENET_TXD2/MCICLK/PWM0.1 | 185 |
P0.20/DTR1/MCICMD/SCL1 | 120 |
P1.3/ENET_TXD3/MCICMD/PWM0.2 | 177 |
P0.21/RI1/MCIPWR/RD1 | 118 |
P1.5/ENET_TX_ER/MCIPWR/PWM0.3 | 156 |
P0.22/RTS1/MCIDAT0/TD1 | 116 |
P1.6/ENET_TX_CLK/MCIDAT0/PWM0.4 | 171 |
P1.7/ENET_COL/MCIDAT1/PWM0.5 | 153 |
P2.11/EINT1/MCIDAT1/I2STX_CLK | 108 |
P1.11/ENET_RXD2/MCIDAT2/PWM0.6 | 163 |
P2.12/EINT2/MCIDAT2/I2STX_WS | 106 |
P1.12/ENET_RXD3/MCIDAT3/PCAP0.0 | 157 |
P2.13/EINT3/MCIDAT3/I2STX_SDA | 102 |
I2C | |
Function/Alt-1/Alt-2/Alt-3 | Pin |
P0.27/SDA0 | 50 |
P0.28/SCL0 | 48 |
USB | |
Function/Alt-1/Alt-2/Alt-3 | Pin |
P0.31/USB_D+2 | 51 |
USB_D-2 | 52 |
P0.13/USB_UP_LED2/MOSI1/AD0.7 | 45 |
P1.30/USB_PWRD2/VBUS/AD0.4 | 42 |
Version 1 PCB Errors
- 2 untented vias, under S2
- 1 untented via, near D3 designator
- J3 hole and pad sizes reversed
- C28 poorly placed, partially under U9
- U3 is specified incorrectly, should be 74LVC573APWR (not ADWR)
- C34 part number should be EEE-HA0J470R (case C), not EEE-HA0J470WR (case B)
- D4..D7 footprints are wrong
- D11 footprint is wrong for MBRB20200CTT4G diode for 3.3A supply
- LPC2468 schematic symbol has spelling error on pin 42
- J3 too close to J4 (locking tab clearance issue)
- C36..C37 pads technically correct, too small to hand-solder
- U3 pin 11 should be tied to Vcc, not ground
- U2 footprint wrong (still...)
Version 2 Considerations
- Change 4 DB-9's to single DB-25
- Eliminate J3, move power to DB-25
- Rotate MMC socket
- Make USB jack accessible through panel
- Consider alternative bi-color LEDs
- Consider reducing output capability of power supply
- Add LED to radio power
- Flip console serial port from DTE to DCE
- Adding jumper and regulator for 3V or 5V GPS antennas
Aerocomm NVRAM Dumps
AC4490 Air Radio
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0000 41 45 52 4F 43 4F 4D 4D 20 49 4E 43 2E 0D 43 6F AEROCOMM INC.ÿCo 0010 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 32 30 30 36 0D 56 20 38 pyright 2006ÿV 8 0020 2E 37 2D 31 0D 41 90 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF .7-1ÿAÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 0030 00 D6 0E 00 00 FF A0 0A F4 05 E3 03 18 48 02 FF ÿÖÿÿÿÿ ÿôÿãÿÿHÿÿ 0040 10 02 F4 00 02 14 01 0E 90 FF FF FF 10 04 09 40 ÿÿôÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@ 0050 02 03 00 D0 07 00 43 07 03 04 01 46 DC B0 23 08 ÿÿÿÐÿÿCÿÿÿÿFÜ°#ÿ 0060 00 20 00 01 A0 00 56 90 08 2F 6C F3 00 00 FF FF ÿ ÿÿ ÿVÿ/lóÿÿÿÿ 0070 00 50 67 49 46 96 01 FF FF FF FF E3 70 FF FF FF ÿPgIF?ÿÿÿÿÿãpÿÿÿ 0080 00 50 67 49 47 01 FF FF FF FF FF 10 FF FF 50 FF ÿPgIGÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿPÿ 0090 34 34 39 30 41 43 31 30 30 30 54 54 4C 30 31 FF 4490AC1000TTL01ÿ 00A0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0E 0F 50 60 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿP` 00B0 70 80 A0 C0 E0 F0 FF FF 00 05 FF FF FF FF FF FF p? Ààðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 00C0 FF FF FF FF FF FF 79 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ÿÿÿÿÿÿyÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 00D0 0D 1D 2D 3D 4D 5D 6D 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ÿÿ-=M]mÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 00E0 01 12 20 08 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 00F0 F9 F9 FB FD FE FE FF 00 00 00 01 02 02 02 03 03 ùùûýþþÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
AC4490 Ground Radio
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0000 41 45 52 4F 43 4F 4D 4D 20 49 4E 43 2E 0D 43 6F AEROCOMM INC.ÿCo 0010 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 32 30 30 36 0D 56 20 38 pyright 2006ÿV 8 0020 2E 37 2D 31 0D 41 90 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF .7-1ÿAÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 0030 00 D6 0E 00 00 FF A0 0A F4 05 E3 03 18 48 02 FF ÿÖÿÿÿÿ ÿôÿãÿÿHÿÿ 0040 10 01 FC 00 02 14 01 0E 90 FF FF FF 10 04 09 40 ÿÿüÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@ 0050 02 03 00 D0 07 00 43 07 02 04 01 46 DC B0 23 08 ÿÿÿÐÿÿCÿÿÿÿFÜ°#ÿ 0060 00 20 00 01 A0 00 56 90 08 2F 6C F3 00 00 FF FF ÿ ÿÿ ÿVÿ/lóÿÿÿÿ 0070 00 50 67 49 47 01 01 FF FF FF FF E3 70 FF FF FF ÿPgIGÿÿÿÿÿÿãpÿÿÿ 0080 00 50 67 49 46 96 FF FF FF FF FF 10 FF FF 50 FF ÿPgIF?ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿPÿ 0090 34 34 39 30 41 43 31 30 30 30 54 54 4C 30 31 FF 4490AC1000TTL01ÿ 00A0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0E 0F 50 60 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿP` 00B0 70 80 A0 C0 E0 F0 FF FF 00 05 FF FF FF FF FF FF p? Ààðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 00C0 FF FF FF FF FF FF 79 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ÿÿÿÿÿÿyÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 00D0 0D 1D 2D 3D 4D 5D 6D 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ÿÿ-=M]mÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 00E0 01 12 20 08 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 00F0 F9 F9 FB FD FE FE FF 00 00 00 01 02 02 02 03 03 ùùûýþþÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
Images & Documents
- Image:EIS_Display.jpg
- Image:Olimex LPC2468 Schematic.gif
- I/O pin map
(28 KB)
- Parts list
(32 KB)
- LPC-2468 Data Sheet
(346 KB)
- LPC-2468 Errata
(140 KB)
- LPC-2468 Users Manual
(4.42 MB)
- EIS Users Manual
(122 KB)
- EIS connection diagram
(465 KB)
- AC4490 Users Manual
(2.02 MB)
- LM5576 datasheet
(432 KB)
- LM5576 evaluation board
(160 KB)
- LM5576 3.0V 3A power supply
(163 KB) (original incorrect voltage)
- LM5576 3.3V 2A power supply
(172 KB)
- LM5576 3.3V 3A power supply
(415 KB)
- GlobalSat ET-312 GPS Users Manual
(109 KB)
- GlobalSat ET-312 GPS Evaluation Board Dimensionals
(188 KB)
- GlobalSat ET-312 GPS Evaluation Board Schematics
(249 KB)
- GlobalSat ET-12 SiRF Binary Protocol
(2.81 MB)
- GlobalSat ET-12 NMEA Protocol
(161 KB)