GainSpan GS2011M Configuration

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Example for setting up a GS1500M for our network. Assumes radio is at factory default baud rate of 9600. Change 'oursecretpassword' to actual AP password, along with setting the address of the remote server.

at&f                                 - Restore factory defaults
atb=115200                           - Change baud rate (takes effect immediately!)
at&r1                                - Enable hardware flow control
at+wpapsk=AHG_WOL,oursecretpassword  - Pre-calculate the WPA2/PSK key
at+wauto=0,AHG_WOL                   - Auto-associate with this SSID
at+nauto=0,1,,2571    - Set default TCP connection IP address and port
at+ndhcp=1                           - Enable DHCP
at+asyncmsgfmt=1                     - Enable header on async messages from modem
at+bdata=1                           - Enable bulk data mode (required for <ESC>Z data framing)
at&w0                                - Save to profile 0

OTA Firmware Upgrade


List of the more useful commands in the GS1500M:

atb=115200		- Set port baud rate to 115200
at&k0			- Software flow control off (default)
at&r1			- Hardware flow control on
at+antenna=2		- Select UFL (external) antenna (default)
at+reset		- Restart device

at+ver=?                - Version info
at+ver=??               - Extended version info

at&v			- Show profiles
at&w0			- Write profile 0

at+ws			- Scan available APs
at+nstat=?		- Display network status
at+wstatus		- Display network status also
at+wrssi=?		- Display RSSI
at+nmac=?               - Display MAC address stored in flash (at+nmac=aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff to set)
at+nmac2=?              - Display MAC address stored in RTC(at+nmac2=aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff to set)

at+wauth=0		- Open (not necessary for WPA/WPA2)
at+wsec=0		- Set security mode (0=any, 4=WPA-PSK, 8=WPA2-PSK) (default)
at+wwpa="xx"		- Set WPA/WPA2 passphrase
at+wpapsk=SSID,pp	- Precalculate WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK key (save with &w)
at+wa=SSID		- Associate with SSID
at+ndhcp=1		- Enable DHCP server (REQUIRED unless static address set)
at+asyncmsgfmt=1        - Enable header on async messages from modem (<ESC>A<subtype><len x 2><message>)
at+bdata=1              - Enable bulk data mode (<ESC>Z<CID><len x 4><data>)

at+wauto=0,SSID		- Set auto-associate SSID
at+nauto=0,1,ip,port	- Set auto-connect client TCP address and port
atcx			- Disable (0) / Enable (1) auto-connect
at+ncmauto=0,1,1        - Enable auto-connection manager (uses +wauto, +nauto, +wwpa/+wpapsk, +wsec)
at+ncmauto=0,1,1,1      - Enable auto-connection manager (do not store NCMAUTO state with &w) (uses +wauto, +nauto, +wwpa/+wpapsk, +wsec)
at+ncmauto=0,0          - Disable auto-connection manager
ata                     - Start auto-connect

at+nstcp=port		- Establish TCP listener on this port
at+nctcp=ipaddr,port	- Connect to address & port (,2571)
at+close=CID		- Close specific connection
at+ncloseall		- Close all connections
ath			- Disconnect