Vim Hints
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vi $(grep -l xxx *.c) to edit a list of files from grep
:syntax off Turns off syntax coloring :set ai Turns on autoindent (turn off when pasting) :set ts=4 Sets tab stops to 4, 8, etc :set nolist Hides tab coloration :set expandtab Expands tabs into spaces :set number Turn on line numbers :set keywordprg=info\ libc\ \"Function\ Index\" :set ve=all Virtual editing (no jumping around with nowrap) gqip Reflow a paragraph of text gq`a Reflow to marker A zo Open a fold zc Close a fold zR Set foldlevel to deepest value (seems to open all folds recursively) zf<motion> Create a fold (zf% at opening or closing brace to fold a function) [c Jump backwards to the previous start of a change ]c Jump forwards to the next start of a change do Get changes from other window into the current window dp Put the changes from current window into the other window :diffupdate Update differences :g/<pattern>/d Delete all lines matching pattern :v/<pattern>/d Delete all lines NOT matching pattern :help i_^x Help on Ctrl-x in insert mode
Add trailing spaces, join all lines not starting with *, replace any CR or LF combination with LF, and delete any line not starting with *SIGNAL :%s/$/ /g | %s/\n\([^\*]\)/\1/g | %s#\s*\r\?$## | g!/^\*SIGNAL\*/d :wq Input *SIGNAL* LM_CLK U1.Y12 R26.1 *SIGNAL* LCD_V_CON TP30.1 R48.2 *SIGNAL* LCD_VCC J2.2 R11.1 R11.1 J5.1 J5.1 J5.24 J5.24 U6.24 U6.24 U7.24 U7.24 U8.24 U8.24 J7.29 J7.29 J7.30 *SIGNAL* LCD_UP_DOWN Q4.1 J6.18 *SIGNAL* LCD_RIGHT_LEFT J6.16 U6.6 *SIGNAL* LCD_ENABLE R3.2 U1.C12 U1.C12 U6.7 Output *SIGNAL* LM_CLK U1.Y12 R26.1 *SIGNAL* LCD_V_CON TP30.1 R48.2 *SIGNAL* LCD_VCC J2.2 R11.1 R11.1 J5.1 J5.1 J5.24 J5.24 U6.24 U6.24 U7.24 U7.24 U8.24 U8.24 J7.29 J7.29 J7.30 *SIGNAL* LCD_UP_DOWN Q4.1 J6.18 *SIGNAL* LCD_RIGHT_LEFT J6.16 U6.6 *SIGNAL* LCD_ENABLE R3.2 U1.C12 U1.C12 U6.7